Medical treatments for male and female pattern hair loss

    Nicole L. Rogers, Marc R. Avram
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    TLDR Minoxidil and finasteride treat hair loss in men, while minoxidil treats hair loss in women.
    This document discusses medical treatments for male and female pattern hair loss, including minoxidil, finasteride, and dutasteride. The authors outline the mechanisms of action, side effects, and expected results of each medication approved by the FDA. Studies have shown that minoxidil and finasteride are effective in treating hair loss in men, while minoxidil is currently the standard treatment for hair loss in women. Dutasteride is more potent than finasteride but has more potential side effects. Other treatments, such as spironolactone and cyproterone acetate, are briefly mentioned. The document also discusses potential side effects of each medication and suggests that personal preferences should be considered when determining the best treatment option.
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    Cited in this study


      Hair loss

      research Hair loss

      9 citations ,   April 1986 in “Postgraduate Medicine”
      Hair loss has many causes and treatments, and losing some hair daily is normal; proper diagnosis is key, and minoxidil can help treat it.