Hair loss

    April 1986 in “Postgraduate Medicine
    Phillips Jh, Steven R. Smith, Storer Js
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    TLDR Hair loss has many causes and treatments, and losing some hair daily is normal; proper diagnosis is key, and minoxidil can help treat it.
    The 1986 document reviews the causes and treatments of hair loss, noting that losing up to 100 hairs daily is normal. It identifies various causes such as congenital conditions, infections like tinea capitis, autoimmune disorders like alopecia areata, and behavioral conditions like trichotillomania in children and adolescents. In adults, causes include hormonal changes, systemic diseases, and genetic predispositions, particularly in androgenic alopecia, which affects both men and women differently. Treatments range from antifungal medications and steroids to hair care modifications and minoxidil. The document also discusses the importance of proper diagnosis, as hair loss can indicate underlying health issues. It highlights that androgenic alopecia does not correlate with high serum androgen levels and that topical minoxidil has shown promise in treating this condition. No study size is mentioned as the document is a general review.
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