Ketoconazole Shampoo: Effect of Long-Term Use in Androgenic Alopecia
January 1998
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TLDR Ketoconazole shampoo improves hair growth and reduces oil similarly to minoxidil in male pattern hair loss.
The document from 1998 reported on a study evaluating the effectiveness of 2% ketoconazole (KCZ) shampoo in treating androgenic alopecia (AGA) compared to an unmedicated shampoo and 2% minoxidil therapy. The study involved 39 men using KCZ or unmedicated shampoo for 21 months, and a smaller study with 8 men comparing KCZ shampoo to 2% minoxidil lotion over 6 months. The results indicated that KCZ shampoo improved hair density, size, and the proportion of anagen follicles similarly to minoxidil and also reduced sebum production. The study suggested that Malassezia spp. might play a role in AGA-related inflammation. Despite these positive findings, the authors called for further research with a larger patient group to confirm the results and to determine the optimal dosage and formulation of KCZ for routine AGA treatment.