A Primer for Studying Cell Cycle Dynamics of the Human Hair Follicle

    July 2016 in “ Experimental Dermatology
    Talveen S. Purba, Lars Brunken, Nathan Hawkshaw, Michael Peake, Jonathan A. Hardman, Ralf Paus
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    TLDR The document concludes that understanding hair follicle cell cycles is crucial for hair growth and alopecia research, and recommends specific techniques and future research directions.
    The 2016 document reviews methods for studying cell cycle dynamics in human hair follicles, which is key for understanding hair growth and alopecia. It introduces histological techniques for analyzing proliferation, apoptosis, mitosis, DNA synthesis, and cell cycle regulation in hair follicles. The review emphasizes the importance of characterizing these dynamics for understanding hair disorders and evaluating treatments. It suggests using Ki-67, TUNEL assays, phospho-Histone H3, phospho-retinoblastoma protein antibodies, and EdU incorporation for cell cycle analysis, and highlights the need for high-resolution microscopy and standardized methodologies. The document acknowledges limitations due to the loss of systemic influences in organ culture and points to future research directions, including gene profiling and epigenetic regulation studies.
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