Bald Scalp in Men with Androgenetic Alopecia Retains Hair Follicle Stem Cells but Lacks CD200-Rich and CD34-Positive Hair Follicle Progenitor Cells

    February 2011 in “ Journal of Clinical Investigation
    Luis A. Garza, Chao Yang, Tailun Zhao, Hanz Blatt, Michelle Lee, Helen He, David W. G. Stanton, Lee Carrasco, Jeffrey H. Spiegel, John W. Tobias, George Cotsarelis
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    TLDR Men with baldness due to androgenetic alopecia still have hair stem cells, but lack specific cells needed for hair growth.
    The study found that men with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) still have hair follicle stem cells in their bald scalps, but they lack certain progenitor cells necessary for hair growth. This suggests that the loss of hair in AGA is not due to a complete absence of stem cells, but rather a decrease in the progenitor cells. The study also found similar populations of these cells in mice, which were able to regenerate hair follicles. These findings provide insights into the cellular changes associated with hair loss in AGA.
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