Leptin Controls Hair Follicle Cycling

    March 2014 in “ Experimental Dermatology
    Reiko Watabe, Takashi Yamaguchi, Rieko Kabashima-Kubo, Manabu Yoshioka, Daisuke Nishio, Motonobu Nakamura
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    TLDR Leptin helps start the growth phase of hair.
    In the 2014 study published in Experimental Dermatology, researchers investigated the role of leptin, a hormone known for regulating body weight and energy metabolism, in hair follicle cycling. They found that leptin is produced by dermal papilla cells within hair follicles and that mice deficient in leptin receptors (db/db mice) exhibited abnormal hair follicle cycling. Furthermore, injecting leptin into the skin of wild-type mice induced the anagen phase of hair growth, suggesting that leptin acts as an anagen inducer. These findings imply that leptin signaling could be a critical factor for initiating the growth stage of the hair cycle and may offer a therapeutic target for treating human hair disorders characterized by disrupted hair follicle cycling. The study suggests the potential for developing leptin receptor agonists or antagonists to manage such conditions.
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