Trans-Species Hair Growth Induction by Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papillae
August 2001
in “
Experimental Dermatology

TLDR Human hair follicle cells can grow hair when put into mouse skin if they stay in contact with mouse cells.
In 2001, researchers found that human hair follicle dermal papillae could induce hair growth when transplanted into the skin or kidney capsule of athymic mice. The study involved 31 skin implantations and 15 kidney capsule implantations, with successful hair growth observed in 9 skin cases and 4 kidney capsule cases. The success depended on the human papillae maintaining contact with the mouse epithelium. Histological and PCR analysis confirmed the human origin of the papillae in the new follicles. This study suggested that the mechanisms of hair follicle formation are conserved across species and highlighted the potential of human dermal papillae in developing treatments for hair loss conditions.