Hair Follicle Morphogenesis During Embryogenesis, Neogenesis, and Organogenesis

    Sang-Bum Park
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    TLDR The document concludes that understanding adult stem cells and their environments can help improve skin regeneration in the future.
    The document reviews hair follicle morphogenesis during embryonic development, adult homeostasis, and regeneration, emphasizing the crucial role of Wnt/β-catenin and ectodysplasin (Eda)/nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling. It discusses the three-phase cycle of adult hair follicles (anagen, catagen, and telogen) and the key role of the dermal papilla (DP) in these phases. The document also explores the limited regeneration capacity of mammals, focusing on wound-induced hair neogenesis in mouse models, which shares the same signaling as embryonic development. It discusses the potential of hair follicle organoids, made with mouse and human-derived induced pluripotent stem cells, to mimic actual hair follicle development, but notes they lack other cell populations. The document concludes that a better understanding of adult stem cells and niches will aid future skin regeneration.
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