LGR5 Is a Conserved Marker of Hair Follicle Stem Cells in Multiple Species and Is Present Early and Throughout Follicle Morphogenesis

    June 2022 in “ Scientific Reports
    Kathryn M. Polkoff, Nithin Gupta, Adrian Green, Yanet Murphy, Jae-Wook Chung, Katherine Gleason, Sean Simpson, Derek M. Walker, Bruce Collins, Jorge A. Piedrahita
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    TLDR LGR5 is a common marker of hair follicle stem cells in different animals and is important for hair growth and regeneration.
    The study developed a transgenic pig model to investigate the role of LGR5-expressing hair follicle stem cells (HFSC) in hair follicle development and cycling. It was found that LGR5, a known marker of HFSC in mice, is also expressed in the hair follicles of humans and pigs. These LGR5-expressing cells contribute to all regions of the hair follicle and are crucial for the transition from telogen to anagen during hair cycling. They also give rise to the inner root sheath and hair shaft. The gene expression profile of these cells showed significant differences in many epidermal, structural, and stem cell genes. The study concluded that LGR5 is a conserved marker of HFSC across multiple species.
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