Androgens and hair loss

    Adel Alsantali, Jerry Shapiro
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    TLDR The document concludes that hair transplantation and gene therapy may be important for future hair loss treatment.
    The 2009 document provides an in-depth analysis of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), detailing its genetic basis, pathogenesis, and treatment options. It identifies AGA as a polygenic condition with genetic associations on chromosomes 20p11 and 3q26. The document reports that dutasteride is more effective than finasteride in treating AGA, with a new topical liposomal finasteride formulation showing promise in vitro. It also reviews the only two approved medical therapies at the time: finasteride, which leads to hair regrowth in a significant percentage of patients and prevents further hair loss in most, and minoxidil, which has been associated with a substantial increase in hair regrowth. The document discusses the prevalence of AGA, its association with various diseases, and its psychological impact. It concludes by noting the importance of hair transplantation and the potential for gene therapy in future AGA management.
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