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research From Hair Color to Diagnosis
Hair color is influenced by genetics and can indicate certain health conditions.

research Transcriptomic Profiling in Silurana Tropicalis Testes Exposed to Finasteride
Finasteride affects frog testes by increasing testosterone, decreasing 5α-DHT, and impacting genes related to reproduction and other functions.
research A Lipid–Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticle-Loaded Dissolving Microneedle Patch for Promoting Hair Regrowth by Transdermal miR-218 Delivery
The microneedle patch effectively promotes hair regrowth by delivering miR-218.

research Comparative Study Between Intralesional Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma and Triamcinolone for the Treatment of Alopecia Areata
Steroid injections are more effective than platelet rich plasma for treating patchy hair loss.

research Modulating Hair Follicle Size with Wnt10b/DKK1 During Hair Regeneration
Wnt10b makes hair follicles bigger, but DKK1 can reverse this effect.

research Facilitation of Facial Prosthesis Placement with Tattoo Markers: A Clinical Report
Tattoo markers help place ear prostheses easily and improve acceptance.

research Topical Minoxidil Reported Hair Discoloration: A Cross-Sectional Study
Minoxidil, a common hair treatment, may cause hair to turn grey or change color, especially with long-term use or if you have a family history of grey hair.

research Therapeutic Options in Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
There are various treatment options for frontal fibrosing alopecia.

research Wnt5a Suppresses β-Catenin Signaling During Hair Follicle Regeneration
Wnt5a slows down hair growth by blocking a specific pathway during hair regeneration.

research Nuclear Factor I-C Promotes Proliferation and Differentiation of Apical Papilla-Derived Human Stem Cells In Vitro
NFIC helps human dental stem cells grow and become tooth-like cells.

research Alopecia Areata and Tofacitinib: A Prospective Multicenter Study from a Saudi Population
Tofacitinib is effective and safe for treating severe hair loss in a Saudi population.

research Carthami Flos: A Review of Its Ethnopharmacology, Pharmacology, and Clinical Applications
Safflower has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and shows promise in treating heart, brain, and inflammatory conditions, but more research is needed to ensure its safety.

research Increased Rate of Hair Regrowth in Mice with Constitutive Overexpression of Del1
Mice genetically modified to produce more Del1 protein had faster hair regrowth.
research The Roles of WNT Signaling Pathways in Skin Development and Mechanical-Stretch-Induced Skin Regeneration
WNT signaling is crucial for skin development and healing.

research Bulge Cells of Human Hair Follicles: Segregation, Cultivation, and Properties
Researchers found that bulge cells from human hair can grow quickly in culture and have properties of hair follicle stem cells, which could be useful for skin treatments.

research Refractory Shock Following Ingestion of Topical Minoxidil Solution
A man experienced life-threatening shock after swallowing hair growth solution.

research Why Were Sardinians the Shortest Europeans? A Journey Through Genes, Infections, Nutrition, and Sex
Sardinians were historically short due to a mix of genetics and factors like disease and poor nutrition, but recent height increases suggest better living conditions had a bigger impact.

research Twist1 Contributes to the Maintenance of Some Biological Properties of Dermal Papilla Cells In Vitro by Forming a Complex With Tcf4 and β-Catenin
Twist1 helps maintain important features of cells crucial for hair growth by working with Tcf4 and β-catenin.

research Dual-Response Hydrogel System Coordinating Immunomodulation and Tissue Repair for Promoting Infected Burn Wound Healing
The hydrogel system improves healing in infected burn wounds by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.

research Study of Cross-Referrals to the Dermatology Department in an Inpatient Setting at a Tertiary Care Center
Dermatology referrals improve patient care, but non-dermatologists need better training in skin conditions.

research Centuries of Seeking Chocolate's Medicinal Benefits
Chocolate has been historically used for medicinal purposes, with current research focusing on heart health benefits, but the extent of these benefits is debated.

research Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES) — A Case Report on Differential Diagnosis of Intermittent Claudication
Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES) is a rare but possible cause of leg pain during walking, even in untrained women.

research Inexpensive Liquid Nitrogen Container
A cheap stainless steel container from a retail store can store liquid nitrogen effectively for 8-12 hours, offering a cost-effective alternative to specialized medical containers.

research Dilemmas In The Diagnosis Of Osteoporosis In Transgender Population
Diagnosing osteoporosis in transgender people is challenging due to unclear guidelines and hormone treatment effects.

research Expression Pattern of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Normal Rat Epidermis and Pilosebaceous Unit During Hair Cycle
COX-2 levels change during the hair cycle and affect skin and hair growth.

research Evidence of Hair Loss After Subacute Exposure to 2-Chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide, a Mustard Analog, and Beneficial Effects of N-Acetylcysteine
Mustard gas exposure causes hair loss, but treating with N-acetylcysteine can prevent it.
research Defining Pseudofolliculitis Barbae in 2001: A Review of the Literature and Current Trends
Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a chronic skin condition affecting mainly African American and Hispanic individuals, caused by shaving tightly curled hair, and managed by prevention and treatment but not curable.

research Chronic Erythematous Plaques Around The Ears
A man with painful ear plaques was diagnosed with discoid lupus and treated with medications and lifestyle changes.

research Relationship Between Copper, Zinc, and Copper-to-Zinc Ratio in Hair and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease According to the SYNTAX Score
Lower hair copper and copper-to-zinc ratio are linked to more severe coronary artery disease.