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      Surgery And Laser

      research Surgery And Laser

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Various skin conditions like cutaneous lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and basal cell carcinoma can be effectively treated with antihypertensive agents, NB-UVB phototherapy, and imiquimod cream respectively. Vaccines are effective against genital herpes and HPV-16 infection. Early intervention is crucial for conditions like diabetic foot ulcers and neonatal herpes. Certain dyes can cause hand dermatitis, and there's a link between smoking/drinking and psoriasis in men. No direct link was found between low iron levels and chronic hair loss in women.
      New Directions in Surgical Therapy

      research New Directions in Surgical Therapy

      1 citations, April 1998 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Surgical skin treatments improved with new methods like laser resurfacing, combined techniques, and better hair and fat removal options.

      research Abstracts

      October 2020 in “Veterinary Dermatology”
      New treatments and diagnostic methods for various animal skin conditions showed promising results.

      research Contents

      July 2010 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      The document concludes that new treatments for skin conditions are complex but effective, including spironolactone for female hair loss and propranolol for infantile hemangiomas.
      Phototherapy, Photomedicine, and Pigmentary Disorders

      research Phototherapy, Photomedicine, and Pigmentary Disorders

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Stopping certain drugs can improve skin conditions, arsenicosis affects over half of a Bangladeshi village, males are more vulnerable, and certain treatments are effective for warts, acne, and psoriasis. Smoking and drinking are linked to psoriasis in men, a cream helps with a type of skin cancer, and low iron levels don't directly cause chronic hair loss in women.

      research Contents

      April 2014 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      More research, better treatments, and public education are needed for dermatological conditions in people of African descent.
      Dermatological Problems and COVID-19

      research Dermatological Problems and COVID-19

      June 2023
      COVID-19 can cause skin problems and affect dermatology treatments, with recommendations for skin care and cautious use of certain drugs.
      Mutational Landscape of Extramammary Paget Disease

      research Mutational Landscape of Extramammary Paget Disease

      May 2018 in “Journal of Investigative Dermatology”
      The document concludes that ERBB2 mutations are common in extramammary Paget disease and may respond to systemic treatments like cancer immunotherapy.
      Table of Contents

      research Table of Contents

      April 2007 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Understanding drug effects and careful monitoring are crucial for safe and effective dermatology treatments.

      research Contents

      November 2015 in “Medical Clinics of North America”
      The document summarizes important skin care topics for non-specialist doctors, including treatments for skin conditions and the management of skin diseases.

      research Abstracts

      March 1988 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      The document concludes that misdiagnosis in skin conditions is common, certain treatments can cause allergic reactions, and some skin symptoms are linked to leukemia, especially in certain Japanese regions.
      Advances in Dermatology

      research Advances in Dermatology

      May 2019 in “Australasian Journal of Dermatology”
      New insights in skin conditions show a complex link between certain moles and melanoma, improved hair loss treatments, and the need to identify different types of lupus.
      Eyebrow Loss

      research Eyebrow Loss

      29 citations, January 2007 in “American Journal of Clinical Dermatology”
      Eyebrow loss has many causes and requires accurate diagnosis for proper treatment.
      Book Reviews

      research Book Reviews

      December 2002 in “International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology”
      The books are valuable resources for cosmetic surgery and dermatology professionals.

      research Abstracts

      March 1987 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      Oral spironolactone and isotretinoin are effective for treating acne.

      research Pre- and Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Small Animals

      April 2018 in “Blackwell's Five‐Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion”
      Some skin conditions in pets can signal cancer or may develop into cancer, and monitoring or treating these can help detect or manage the disease.