Alopecia Secondary to Severe Discoid Lupus Responding to Anifrolumab

    Shannon Han, James Ferrer, Mohamad Bittar, Allison Jones
    TLDR Anifrolumab significantly improved skin lesions and hair regrowth in severe discoid lupus.
    Anifrolumab (ANI), a human monoclonal antibody targeting type I interferon receptor subunit 1, has shown promise in treating refractory discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), a condition that can cause irreversible scarring and significantly impact quality of life. In a case study of a 21-year-old woman with severe DLE and alopecia, ANI treatment led to significant improvement in cutaneous lesions and impressive hair regrowth within 7 months, despite the ineffectiveness of prior therapies. ANI's favorable side effect profile and potential for better medication adherence make it a viable therapeutic option for patients with severe or treatment-resistant DLE. Future studies could explore the early use of ANI monotherapy to avoid the adverse effects associated with traditional treatments.
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