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research Treatment With and Withdrawal From Finasteride Alter Ethanol Intake Patterns in Male C57BL/6J Mice: Potential Role of Endogenous Neurosteroids
Finasteride affects alcohol intake in male mice, possibly due to neurosteroids.

research The Effects of Androgens on T Cells: Clues to Female Predominance in Autoimmune Liver Diseases
Androgens may influence T cells, contributing to higher autoimmune liver disease risk in women.

research Multifunctional Merkel Cells: Their Roles in Electromagnetic Reception, Fingerprint Formation, Reiki, Epigenetic Inheritance, and Hair Form
Merkel cells may have roles in sensing magnetic fields, creating fingerprints, Reiki energy healing, passing on environmental information to offspring, and influencing hair shape.

research Gene Expression in Rat Dermal Papilla Cells: Analysis of 2529 ESTs
Rat dermal papilla cells have unique genes crucial for hair growth.

research Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Evidence-Based Psychopharmacological Treatments
Combining mood stabilizers with antipsychotics is more effective for treating children with bipolar disorder than using mood stabilizers alone.

research Conceptual Basis for Use of Chemotherapeutic Agents and Their Pharmacology
The conclusion is that effective cancer treatment often requires a combination of therapies, but must be carefully managed due to serious side effects and the risk of immunosuppression.

research Downstream Molecular Responses to Volatile Signaling in Roots
Plant roots respond to fungus smells by possibly using certain proteins and a plant hormone to change root growth, but more research is needed.

research Understanding the Biochemical Properties of Human Hair Keratins: Self-Assembly Potential and Cell Response
Human hair keratins can self-assemble and support cell growth, useful for biomedical applications.
research Sequence and Expression of Human Hair Keratin Genes
Human hair keratin genes are similar to mouse genes and are specifically expressed in hair follicles.
research Activation of Extrasynaptic δ-GABAA Receptors Globally or Within the Posterior VTA Has Estrous-Dependent Effects on Alcohol Consumption and Estrous-Independent Effects on Locomotion
δ-GABAA receptors affect alcohol consumption based on the estrous cycle and influence movement regardless of the cycle.

research Atypical Hippocampal Glutamate Receptor Coupled to Phospholipase D Controlling Stretch-Sensitivity in Primary Mechanosensory Nerve Endings Is Homomeric Purely Metabotropic GluK2
A special receptor in sensory nerve endings helps control how they respond to stretching.
research Delta Opioid Receptors Presynaptically Regulate Cutaneous Mechanosensory Neuron Input to the Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn
Delta opioid receptors help regulate touch sensation by reducing neurotransmitter release in the spinal cord.
research Mitochondria Dysfunction and Inflammation in Traumatic Brain Injury: Androgens to the Battlefront
Androgens like testosterone may help treat traumatic brain injury by reducing mitochondrial stress and inflammation.

research Ppp2r2a Knockout Mice Reveal That Protein Phosphatase 2A Regulatory Subunit, PP2A-B55α, Is an Essential Regulator of Neuronal and Epidermal Embryonic Development
The PP2A-B55α protein is essential for brain and skin development in embryos.

research Changes in Hydrophobic Proteins in Response to Biotin Administration in Serum of Infant Patients with Alopecia as Assessed by the Protein Micro-Sequencing Method
Biotin helps regulate proteins in the blood, which may explain its role in hair growth.

research Protein Degradation: Expanding the Toolbox to Restrain Cancer Drug Resistance
Using protein degradation to fight cancer drug resistance shows promise but needs more precise targeting and fewer side effects.

research Co-Expression Pattern of Artemis Serine 516 Phosphorylation with Indicators in Differentiation, Proliferation, and Apoptosis of Human Anagen Hair Follicles: An Immunofluorescence Double-Staining Study
Artemis protein may help control hair growth and health by influencing cell processes.

research Novel TMEM173 Mutation and the Role of Disease-Modifying Alleles
A new mutation in the STING protein causes a range of symptoms and its severity may be affected by other genetic variations; treatment with a specific inhibitor showed improvement in one patient.

research Steroidogenic Factor-1 Lineage Origin of Skin Lesions in Carney Complex Syndrome
Skin lesions in Carney complex are likely caused by a specific group of skin cells that promote pigment production due to a genetic mutation.

research Characterization of a Partial cDNA for Lysyl Hydroxylase from Human Skin Fibroblasts; Lysyl Hydroxylase mRNAs Are Regulated Differently by Minoxidil Derivatives and Hydralazine
Minoxidil decreases LH expression, while hydralazine has mixed effects on prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase activities.

research Emerging Nonmetabolic Functions of Skin Fat
Skin fat has important roles in hair growth, skin repair, immune defense, and aging, and could be targeted for skin and hair treatments.

research Role of Beta-Catenin Activation Levels and Fluctuations in Controlling Cell Fate
Proper control of β-catenin activity is crucial for development and preventing diseases like cancer.

research Expression Profiling and Cellular Localization of Genes Associated with the Hair Cycle Induced by Wax Depilation
Researchers found new genes involved in hair growth, which could help develop new hair treatments.

research Differential Expression of Proteins Associated with the Hair Follicle Cycle: Proteomics and Bioinformatics Analyses
Researchers found 44 proteins that change during different hair growth stages and may be important for hair follicle function.

research Dietary Supplementation With L-Glutamine Enhances Immunity and Reduces Heat Stress in Hanwoo Steers Under Heat Stress Conditions
Adding L-glutamine to the diet of Hanwoo steers may boost their immune system and help them cope with heat.

research Defining the Impact of Beta-Catenin/Tcf Transactivation on Epithelial Stem Cells
β-catenin is essential for stem cell activation and proliferation in hair follicles.

research Wnt Signaling: The Good and the Bad
Wnt signaling is important for development and cell regulation but can cause diseases like cancer when not working properly.

research Identification of Key Pathways and Genes That Regulate Cashmere Development in Cashmere Goats Mediated by Exogenous Melatonin
Melatonin affects cashmere growth in goats by influencing stem cell and certain signaling pathways.

research Unlocking the Genetic Secrets of Dorper Sheep: Insights Into Wool Shedding and Hair Follicle Development
Dorper sheep's wool shedding is linked to specific genes and pathways, which may help understand human hair growth.