TLR9 Activation in Large Wound Induces Tissue Repair and Hair Follicle Regeneration via γδT Cells

    August 2024 in “ Cell Death and Disease
    Xinhui Li, Tiantian An, Yang Yang, Zhaoyu Xu, Shuaidong Chen, Zumu Yi, Deng Chen, Feng Zhou, Yi Man, Chen Hu
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    TLDR Activating TLR9 helps heal wounds and regrow hair by using specific immune cells.
    The study investigates the role of Toll-Like Receptor 9 (TLR9) activation in large wound healing and hair follicle regeneration, emphasizing the involvement of γδT cells. Using mouse models and various molecular analyses, the researchers found that TLR9 activation, triggered by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) release during tissue damage, enhances wound healing and hair follicle regeneration. This process is mediated by γδT cells, which promote hair follicle stem cell proliferation and migration through the secretion of AREG, influencing keratinocyte behavior. The findings suggest that TLR9 and γδT cells are crucial for tissue repair and hair regeneration, offering new insights into potential therapeutic targets for enhancing wound healing and hair growth.
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