EEMCO Guidance for the Assessment of Hair Shedding and Alopecia

    January 2004 in “Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
    Gérald Pierard, Piérard-Franchimont C, R. Marks, Peter Elsner
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    TLDR The document explains hair growth and shedding, factors affecting it, and methods to evaluate hair loss, emphasizing the importance of skin biopsy for diagnosis.
    The 2003 paper "EEMCO Guidance for the Assessment of Hair Shedding and Alopecia" provided a detailed review of hair follicle anatomy and hair cycling dynamics, including the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. It discussed factors influencing hair growth and shedding, such as hormones, neuromediators, seasons, micro-inflammation, and ageing. The paper suggested various evaluation techniques for hair shedding or alopecia, including determining hair patterning and density, daily hair counts, the 'hair pull test', and the 'hair feathering test'. Instrumental and photographic methods were also mentioned for providing reliable quantitative information. The paper emphasized the importance of skin biopsy for diagnostic purposes, especially when hair loss is accompanied by scarring. It also highlighted the complexity of the hair cycle and the many factors that can interfere with the physiological biorhythm of hair growth, regression, and shedding.
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