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    180-210 / 1000+ results

      research Cancer

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Some medications can improve skin conditions, while lifestyle factors like smoking and drinking may worsen them; treatments like monoclonal antibodies and imiquimod cream show promise for certain skin diseases.
      Bullous/Mucous Membrane

      research Bullous/Mucous Membrane

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      High blood pressure drugs often cause skin lupus, stopping the drug usually helps. A vaccine helps prevent genital herpes and HPV-16. More frequent light therapy clears psoriasis faster. No link was found between low iron and chronic hair loss.
      Psoriasis, Acne, and Disorders of Keratinization

      research Psoriasis, Acne, and Disorders of Keratinization

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Treating psoriasis with UVB light three times a week is faster than twice a week, and certain medications and lifestyle factors affect psoriasis treatment outcomes.
      Wound Healing and Hair

      research Wound Healing and Hair

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Certain drugs can cause lupus, stopping these drugs is the main treatment. NB-UVB phototherapy clears psoriasis faster when applied three times a week. Monoclonal antibodies and oral pimecrolimus are effective in treating psoriasis. Smoking and drinking are linked to psoriasis in men. No direct link between low iron and hair loss was found. Vaccines are effective against genital herpes and human papillomavirus type 16.

      research Immunology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Blood pressure drugs can cause skin lupus, early treatment is key for baby herpes and diabetic foot ulcers, a certain vaccine works against genital herpes and HPV in women, more frequent light therapy helps psoriasis, smoking and drinking can worsen psoriasis, a cream clears up a type of skin cancer, and low iron levels don't cause chronic hair loss.
      Pediatric Dermatology

      research Pediatric Dermatology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Skin problems are common in Bangladesh due to arsenic, prompt treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is crucial, maternal transmission causes most neonatal herpes, treatments for pediatric vasculitis are effective, the chickenpox vaccine works, more frequent UVB therapy helps psoriasis, certain jobs increase hand dermatitis risk, monoclonal antibodies treat psoriasis well, lifestyle affects psoriasis, alefacept improves psoriasis, imiquimod cream partially clears basal cell carcinoma, and iron may not help chronic hair loss.
      HIV, Fungal, and Infectious Diseases

      research HIV, Fungal, and Infectious Diseases

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      The document concludes that various treatments for skin conditions are effective, but some require further research, and certain factors like gender and lifestyle can influence disease outcomes.
      Phototherapy, Photomedicine, and Pigmentary Disorders

      research Phototherapy, Photomedicine, and Pigmentary Disorders

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Stopping certain drugs can improve skin conditions, arsenicosis affects over half of a Bangladeshi village, males are more vulnerable, and certain treatments are effective for warts, acne, and psoriasis. Smoking and drinking are linked to psoriasis in men, a cream helps with a type of skin cancer, and low iron levels don't directly cause chronic hair loss in women.
      Androgens and Cardiovascular Disease

      research Androgens and Cardiovascular Disease

      658 citations, June 2003 in “Endocrine reviews”
      Male hormones may play a role in the development of heart disease, and more research is needed to understand their effects.
      The Dynamics of the Skin’s Immune System

      research The Dynamics of the Skin’s Immune System

      306 citations, April 2019 in “International Journal of Molecular Sciences”
      The skin has a complex immune system that is essential for protection and healing, requiring more research for better wound treatment.
      Bioavailability of Albumin-Bound Testosterone

      research Bioavailability of Albumin-Bound Testosterone

      255 citations, October 1985 in “The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism”
      Spironolactone treatment increases the amount of testosterone available in the body.
      Pathobiology of Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss

      research Pathobiology of Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss

      218 citations, January 2013 in “The Lancet Oncology”
      Chemotherapy causes hair loss by damaging hair follicles and stem cells, with more research needed for prevention and treatment.
      Androgen Receptor Antagonists Structure-Activity Relationships

      research Androgen Receptor Antagonists Structure-Activity Relationships

      204 citations, February 2000 in “Current Medicinal Chemistry”
      Antiandrogens like flutamide are effective in treating conditions like prostate cancer and hair loss, but there's a need for more potent versions. Understanding their structure can help develop better treatments.
      Vitamin D Metabolism and Function in the Skin

      research Vitamin D Metabolism and Function in the Skin

      185 citations, December 2011 in “Molecular and cellular endocrinology”
      Skin cells produce and activate vitamin D, which regulates skin functions and supports hair growth.
      The Hair Follicle as an Estrogen Target and Source

      research The Hair Follicle as an Estrogen Target and Source

      159 citations, July 2006 in “Endocrine Reviews”
      Estrogens significantly influence hair growth by interacting with receptors in hair follicles and may help regulate the hair growth cycle.