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      Dermatologic Problems of Older Women

      research Dermatologic Problems of Older Women

      17 citations, April 2006 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Older women face various skin issues like dryness and thinning, and treatments are available but can have side effects; proper skin care and legal health decisions are important.

      research Cytokines

      3 citations, July 1996 in “Clinics in Dermatology”
      Cytokines are important for immune responses and treating diseases, but they can cause side effects like fever and skin issues.
      Internal Medicine: Retrospective Review of 120 Patients Over a 10-Year Period

      research Internal Medicine: Retrospective Review of 120 Patients Over a 10-Year Period

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Certain drugs can cause skin lupus, but stopping the drug usually helps. Vaccines work against smallpox, genital herpes, and a type of human papillomavirus. More frequent light therapy clears psoriasis faster. Certain treatments work for psoriasis and dermatitis. A specific cream effectively treats a type of skin cancer. Low iron levels aren't directly linked to chronic hair loss.
      Psoriatic Alopecia

      research Psoriatic Alopecia

      41 citations, July 2015 in “Clinical and Experimental Dermatology”
      Psoriasis can cause temporary or permanent hair loss.
      Clinical Pearls in Dermatology 2013

      research Clinical Pearls in Dermatology 2013

      July 2014 in “Disease-a-Month”
      The document gives treatment advice for various skin conditions, like using metronidazole for perioral dermatitis and minoxidil for hair loss.

      research Cancer

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Some medications can improve skin conditions, while lifestyle factors like smoking and drinking may worsen them; treatments like monoclonal antibodies and imiquimod cream show promise for certain skin diseases.

      research Pathology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Various skin conditions can be treated effectively with different methods, such as discontinuing certain drugs, using specific vaccines, applying creams, and changing lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking.
      HIV, Fungal, and Infectious Diseases

      research HIV, Fungal, and Infectious Diseases

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      The document concludes that various treatments for skin conditions are effective, but some require further research, and certain factors like gender and lifestyle can influence disease outcomes.
      Medical Practice: Therapy and Adverse Reactions

      research Medical Practice: Therapy and Adverse Reactions

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Blood pressure drugs can cause skin lupus, but it improves after stopping the drug. The glycoprotein D vaccine works against genital herpes in some women, and the HPV-16 vaccine reduces HPV-16 infection and related diseases. More frequent light therapy clears psoriasis faster. A cream called imiquimod effectively treats a type of skin cancer. Iron supplements don't necessarily help with chronic hair loss in women.
      Cutaneous Drug Reactions

      research Cutaneous Drug Reactions

      1 citations, January 2010 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      Any drug can cause skin reactions, but antibiotics, NSAIDs, and psychotropic drugs are more common, with some reactions being life-threatening.
      The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Skin Effects

      research The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Skin Effects

      2 citations, August 2021 in “Canadian Family Physician”
      COVID-19 can cause rashes and worsen existing skin conditions, and behaviors like frequent hand-washing can lead to hand dermatitis.
      Dermatoses of Pregnancy

      research Dermatoses of Pregnancy

      208 citations, July 2001 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      Pregnancy can cause various skin changes and diseases, with PUPPP being the most common skin condition specific to pregnancy.
      Skin Diseases in Pregnancy

      research Skin Diseases in Pregnancy

      1 citations, January 2000 in “Springer eBooks”
      Pregnancy can cause various skin changes and diseases, requiring careful treatment to protect the baby.
      Drug-Induced Skin, Nail, and Hair Disorders

      research Drug-Induced Skin, Nail, and Hair Disorders

      114 citations, January 2007 in “Drug Safety”
      Some drugs can cause skin, nail, and hair problems, which are important for healthcare professionals to recognize and report.
      Skin Diseases in Ghana and the UK

      research Skin Diseases in Ghana and the UK

      85 citations, May 2001 in “International Journal of Dermatology”
      Skin diseases differ between Ghana and the UK, with infections most common in Ghana and malignant skin diseases most prevalent in the UK.
      Dermatoses of Pregnancy

      research Dermatoses of Pregnancy

      33 citations, August 2006 in “Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft”
      Pregnancy can cause specific skin conditions that need correct diagnosis and treatment to protect both mother and baby.
      Diseases of the Skin: Treatment of Scalp Disorders

      research Diseases of the Skin: Treatment of Scalp Disorders

      6 citations, February 1974 in “The BMJ”
      The document concludes that scalp disorders can be treated with hair washing, specific shampoos, medications, and sometimes surgery or hair transplants, but hereditary baldness is untreatable.
      Interferons in Dermatology

      research Interferons in Dermatology

      22 citations, April 1998 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Interferons are effective for some skin conditions and cancers, but can have side effects and need more research for optimal use.
      Disorders of the Hair and Nails

      research Disorders of the Hair and Nails

      1 citations, January 2013 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      The document reviews various hair and nail disorders, their causes, and treatments, emphasizing the need for proper diagnosis and the link between nail changes and systemic diseases.

      research Aldesleukin

      January 2016 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      Aldesleukin can treat certain cancers and increase HIV patient CD4+ counts but often causes severe side effects.