Hair Loss in New Moms
September 2022
in “
Journal of Case Reports and Medical History
postpartum alopecia postpartum telogen effluvium hormonal changes hair follicles growth phase resting phase shedding phase seborrheic dermatitis scalp psoriasis female pattern hair loss thyroid disease nutritional deficiencies topical minoxidil hair follicle turnover postpartum hair loss postpartum TE hormone changes hair growth phase hair resting phase hair shedding phase Rogaine

TLDR Many new moms lose hair after childbirth due to hormonal changes, but it usually grows back within a year.
Postpartum alopecia, or postpartum telogen effluvium (TE), is a common phenomenon experienced by 40-50% of new mothers due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. This condition, which can cause significant psychological distress, is characterized by an increased number of hair follicles remaining in the growth phase during pregnancy, which then synchronously return to the resting/shedding phase 3-6 months post-delivery due to a sudden drop in hormone levels. Other contributing factors include emotional and physical stress associated with childbirth. The condition is completely reversible, and reassurance is a powerful therapeutic tool. It's also an opportunity to diagnose and treat other hair and scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis and scalp psoriasis. Sometimes, postpartum TE can reveal underlying alopecia that had gone unnoticed, such as female pattern hair loss or other factors contributing to hair loss like thyroid disease or nutritional deficiencies. Healthy hair care practices and a diet rich in certain nutrients can improve hair health. Topical minoxidil, an over-the-counter medication, can also be used to treat hair loss, as it increases the growth phase and hastens hair follicle turnover. However, it may take up to a year for hair to return to "normal."