Synergistic effect of platelet-rich plasma injections and scalp lifting in androgenetic alopecia

    September 2018 in “Clinics in Dermatology
    Ming-Chou Ku, Lean-San Teh, Po-Ming Chen, Ting-I Yang, Ji-Ching Lai
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    TLDR PRP injections and scalp lifting together improve hair thickness and growth in hair loss patients.
    The study found that the combination of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and scalp lifting had a significant effect on increasing scalp thickness, scalp perfusion, and hair diameter in patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA). PRP injections alone increased hair diameter, while suture embedding had a minor effect on scalp thickness and perfusion. The study suggests that the combination of PRP injections and scalp lifting may be an effective treatment for AGA.
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