Pattern Hair Loss in Men

    January 2013 in “Dermatologic Clinics
    Nusrat Banka, M.J. Kristine Bunagan, Jerry Shapiro
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    TLDR Male pattern hair loss caused by follicular miniaturization; early diagnosis and treatment can reduce psychological burden.
    This document from 10 years ago discusses male pattern hair loss (MPHL), its diagnosis, genetic link, clinical features, and various treatments. The document explains that MPHL is caused by follicular miniaturization, which leads to the transformation of terminal to vellus hair follicles. The diagnosis is usually made clinically, but a pull test and scalp biopsy can be helpful in doubtful cases. The document also discusses the classification of MPHL and the variability in onset and progression. The treatments discussed include minoxidil, finasteride, dutasteride, topical antiandrogens, laser therapy, and follicular cell implantation (FCI). The document emphasizes that early diagnosis and management can significantly reduce the psychological burden associated with this disease.
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