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      Diet in Dermatology: Revisited

      research Diet in Dermatology: Revisited

      40 citations, January 2010 in “Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology”
      Certain diets can affect skin conditions, but more research is needed to understand these relationships fully.
      Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia: A Review

      research Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia: A Review

      23 citations, April 2021 in “Journal of Clinical Medicine”
      Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia's cause is unclear, affects mainly postmenopausal women, and current treatments focus on stopping hair loss rather than regrowth.
      Selected Topics in Pediatric Hair Loss

      research Selected Topics in Pediatric Hair Loss

      2 citations, December 2007 in “Expert Review of Dermatology”
      The document concludes that early diagnosis and treatment are key for pediatric hair loss disorders, and addressing the emotional effects on children is important.
      Obstetric Dermatology

      research Obstetric Dermatology

      January 2009 in “Springer eBooks”
      The document concludes that managing skin conditions during pregnancy is important and requires specialized care.

      research Alopecia

      January 2007 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      Alopecia areata is a reversible, autoimmune-related hair loss that can have significant emotional impact and uncertain treatment effectiveness.
      Alopecia Areata: Overview and Insights from January 2018

      research Alopecia Areata: Overview and Insights from January 2018

      290 citations, December 2017 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition causing hair loss, influenced by genetics, stress, and diet, and may be prevented by a high soy oil diet.
      Comorbidities in Alopecia Areata: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

      research Comorbidities in Alopecia Areata: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

      100 citations, February 2019 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      People with alopecia areata often have other health issues like skin diseases, metabolic syndrome, stomach infections, lupus, anemia, thyroid problems, mental health issues, vitamin D deficiency, and hearing and eye problems.
      Alopecia Areata: A Review

      research Alopecia Areata: A Review

      29 citations, June 2013 in “Journal of the Saudi Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery”
      Alopecia areata is an autoimmune hair loss condition treated with corticosteroids, and histologic confirmation is the best diagnosis method.
      Connubial Androgenetic Alopecia

      research Connubial Androgenetic Alopecia

      4 citations, November 2011 in “Archives of Dermatology”
      Hamilton scale imprecise, hair shaft diameter decreases, stem cell transplant regrows hair, ECP ineffective for alopecia areata universalis.

      research Mesotherapy

      1 citations, October 2010 in “Series in cosmetic and laser therapy”
      Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment with potential benefits and risks, requiring standardized practices and further investigation.
      Hair Disorders

      research Hair Disorders

      November 2019 in “Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology”
      Understanding normal hair growth and loss in children is key to diagnosing and treating hair disorders.
      Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Comprehensive Review

      research Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Comprehensive Review

      15 citations, July 2020 in “Dermatologic Therapy”
      FPHL is common in women, influenced by genetics and hormones, and can be treated with medications, laser therapy, or hair transplantation.
      Hair Disorders

      research Hair Disorders

      January 2019 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      Different hair disorders have specific treatments and outcomes, with some resolving on their own and others requiring medication or emotional support.
      Nail Disorders

      research Nail Disorders

      January 2018 in “Elsevier eBooks”
      Different nail disorders are treated by targeting their specific causes and using appropriate medications or protective measures.
      Alopecia And Its Medical Management

      research Alopecia And Its Medical Management

      May 2003 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Hair loss can be treated with medications like minoxidil and finasteride or surgery, but treatment effectiveness varies by alopecia type and accurate diagnosis is important.