Hair Loss in Children: Common and Uncommon Causes; Clinical and Epidemiological Study in Jordan

    Khitam Al‐Refu
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    TLDR The most common causes of hair loss in Jordanian children are fungal infections, autoimmune hair loss, and hair shedding after fever, with zinc deficiency also being a notable cause.
    The study, conducted on 210 children out of 2800 attending dermatology clinics in Jordan, found that the most common causes of hair loss were tinea capitis (40.5%), alopecia areata (26.2%), and telogen effluvium (17.6%). Tinea capitis was identified by patchy hair loss, alopecia areata by patchy or diffuse hair loss with a normal scalp, and telogen effluvium by diffuse non-scarring alopecia often following a fever. Additionally, zinc deficiency was frequently found to be a cause of chronic hair loss, despite the absence of typical deficiency signs. Other observed causes included trichotillomania and traction alopecia, as well as structural hair abnormalities in some cases. The study underscored the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to prevent permanent hair loss and stressed the need to address nutritional deficiencies in developing countries.
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