Lichen Planopilaris: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment

    P. Assouly, P. Reygagne
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    TLDR New insights show Lichen Planopilaris is a rare, scarring hair loss condition, hard to treat, mainly affecting middle-aged women, and significantly impacts mental health.
    In 2009, an update on Lichen Planopilaris (LPP) was provided, detailing the condition as a rare inflammatory disorder causing primary cicatricial alopecia, with a higher incidence in women aged 40 to 60. LPP is characterized by specific skin and hair changes and can be divided into three variants. Diagnosis relies on clinical examination and histopathology, particularly in early stages, and differentiating LPP from other conditions is crucial. Treatment is challenging, often leading to relapses, and hair regrowth is generally not possible due to the scarring nature of the condition. The document highlights the psychological impact on patients and the necessity for further research and controlled treatment trials.
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