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570-600 / 1000+ resultsresearch A Review on Unraveling the Complexity of Autoimmune Skin Disorders: Genetic Influences, Environmental Triggers, and Innovative Management Approaches
Autoimmune skin disorders are caused by genetic and environmental factors and are treated with various medications and preventative strategies.

research Steatocystoma Multiplex
Steatocystoma multiplex causes recurring skin cysts and needs early recognition for better management.

research Primary Essential Cutis Verticis Gyrata: A Case Report With a Review of Literature
Primary essential CVG is a rare, benign scalp condition with treatment focusing on symptom management and hygiene.

research Home Remedies in Dermatology
Many people use home remedies for skin conditions, but there's limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness.

research Generalized Hypertrichosis After 5% Minoxidil Solution in Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
5% minoxidil can significantly increase hair growth in TRPS patients.

research Minoxidil Ingestion in a Toddler
A toddler who accidentally swallowed hair growth medicine experienced serious heart-related side effects but recovered after hospital treatment.
research Dermoscopy to the Rescue: Diagnosing an Unruptured Epidermal Inclusion Cyst in a 12-Year-Old Boy
Dermoscopy helps accurately diagnose and treat benign skin cysts.
research Bullous Pyoderma Gangrenosum Occurring on a Cesarean Section Scar
Bullous pyoderma gangrenosum can develop on cesarean scars and may require steroids for treatment.

research Endocrine Therapy of Adult Gender-Incongruent Individuals Seeking Gender Reaffirmation
Hormone therapy greatly improves the quality of life for adults seeking gender reaffirmation, but more research is needed in India.

research Gender Affirmation in India: The Current State of Knowledge, Management, Legal, and Legislative Situation
India is seeing more cases of gender incongruence and changes in how it's understood and managed legally and medically.
research Effect of Lifestyle Pattern and Cultural Practices on Vitamin D Status of Muslim Women in Coimbatore City
Muslim women in Coimbatore with limited sunlight exposure due to cultural dress and lifestyle have low vitamin D levels.
research Bullous Pilomatrixoma: Without a Shadow of Doubt – Role of ROSE and Cytology
Fine needle aspiration with rapid on-site evaluation is useful for diagnosing pilomatrixoma.

research Patient Counseling and Medicolegal Aspects of Hair Transplant Surgery
Doctors must fully inform patients about hair transplant surgery to help them decide and reduce legal issues.
research Overview and Algorithmic Approach to Management of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss
The paper offers a clear guide for diagnosing and treating hair loss, helping surgeons decide on hair transplant timing and extent.

research Managing an Unhappy Patient
Doctors need to be good at dealing with unhappy patients to protect their reputation.

research Practical Approach to Hair Loss Diagnosis
The document concludes that doctors should use a systematic method and tools like trichoscopy to diagnose hair loss causes.

research Hair Cosmetics for the Hair Loss Patient
Proper hair care and safe use of hair products are crucial for those with hair loss.
research Regenerative Medicine Treatments for Androgenetic Alopecia
Stem cell treatments show promise for hair loss with simpler, effective procedures.

research Evolution of Hair Transplant Surgery in India: A Plastic Surgeon's Perspective
Hair transplant surgery in India has progressed from plugs and flaps to advanced techniques using micrografts and follicular unit extraction.

research Beware of the Impostors: Scalp Pathology Primer for the Hair Transplant Surgeon
Hair transplant surgeons need to recognize different scalp conditions that look like common hair loss to choose the right treatment and avoid mistakes.
research Platelet-Rich Plasma in Androgenetic Alopecia
PRP can help treat hair loss but needs standardized methods for best results.

research Pigtail Hair in Acute Telogen Effluvium – Lest We Forget!
Pigtail hair is a sign of new hair growth and should be recognized in hair loss conditions like acute telogen effluvium.
research Expression of CD117 and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor α in Patients with Alopecia Areata
CD117 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor α may play a role in alopecia areata.

research Review of Topical Therapies for Beard Enhancement
Topical treatments can help improve beard growth.
research The Role of Finasteride in the Management of Androgenetic Alopecia in Males: A Narrative Review
research Evaluation of Vitamin D in Pediatric Alopecia Areata: A Case-Control Study of Thirty Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Kids with alopecia areata had lower vitamin D levels than healthy kids.
research Quality of Life in Adults with Androgenic Alopecia
Androgenic alopecia significantly affects adults' quality of life, especially in men and employed individuals.
research Photographic Assessment Improves Adherence to Recommended Follow-Up in Patients with Androgenetic Alopecia and Alopecia Areata: A Retrospective Cohort Study

research A Novel Surgical Approach to Nasolabial Fistula
The new surgery method successfully healed the patient's nasal wound without complications.