Transglutaminase-3 Enzyme: A Putative Actor in Human Hair Shaft Scaffolding?

    S. Thibaut, Nükhet Cavusoglu, E. De Becker, F. Zerbib, Audrey Bednarczyk, Christine Schaeffer, Alain Van Dorsselaer, Bruno Bernard
    TLDR TGase 3 helps build hair structure by forming strong bonds between proteins.
    The study investigated the role of transglutaminase 3 (TGase 3) in hair shaft keratinization, focusing on its localization, activity, and substrates. TGase 3, exclusively expressed in the hair shaft, was hypothesized to contribute to hair fiber structure through covalent interactions beyond disulfide bonds. Gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry suggested unexpected protein migration patterns, while Western blot and amino-acid analysis identified gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine isopeptide linkages. The researchers proposed that TGase 3-mediated isopeptide bonds between keratin intermediate filaments and keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) play a crucial role in the scaffolding of the hair shaft.
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