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research A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Finasteride for Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (Category IIIA Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis)
Finasteride may help some male chronic pelvic pain patients, but more research needed.
research A Compositionally Synergistic Approach for the Development of a Multifunctional Bilayer Scaffold with Antibacterial Property for Infected and Chronic Wounds
The developed scaffold effectively treats chronic wounds by promoting healing and preventing infection.
research Pigmentation And Hair Growth In Black Rats, As Modified By The Chronic Administration Of Thiourea, Phenyl Thiourea And Alpha-Naphthyl Thiourea
Thiourea compounds affect hair growth and pigmentation in black rats.
research Hepatic and Dermatologic Manifestations of Chronic Hypervitaminosis A in Adults: Report of Two Cases
Too much vitamin A can cause liver damage and skin issues.

research Reversible Alopecia Universalis During Treatment with PEG-Interferon and Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C
Some patients may experience temporary total hair loss from hepatitis C treatment with PEG-interferon and ribavirin.

research Improvement of General Symptoms in a Chronic Psychotic Patient Treated with Finasteride: Case Report
Finasteride improved symptoms in a schizophrenia patient.

research Cutaneous Reactions in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Treated with Peginterferon and Ribavirin
Some patients treated with peginterferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C had mild to moderate skin reactions, but treatment did not need to be stopped.
research Innovative Functional Biomaterials as Therapeutic Wound Dressings for Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Innovative biomaterials show promise in healing chronic diabetic foot ulcers.

research Terazosin or Baclofen in Young Men with Chronic Orchialgia: A Cohort Study of 499 Patients
Both terazosin and baclofen effectively reduce pain in young men with chronic testicular pain, with no difference in their effectiveness.
research Effectiveness and Safety of Finasteride in Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

research Outcomes of Pediatric Patients with Chronic Liver Disease in Early Adulthood: A Heterogeneous but Representative Regional Cohort Study
Young adults who had liver disease as children often experience significant health problems and frequently need transplants.

research Morphologic Markers of Acute and Chronic Stress in Child Abuse
The conclusion is that certain physical signs in the body can indicate past acute and chronic stress, which may help in child abuse investigations.

research Evaluation of Vitamin D Levels in Chronic Telogen Effluvium Patients
Vitamin D levels are not correlated with chronic hair loss in Telogen Effluvium patients.
research A Case Control Study to Determine the Correlation Between Serum Ferritin Levels and Chronic Telogen Effluvium in a Tertiary Hospital, Mandya
High ferritin levels might be linked to chronic hair loss.
research Current Insight of Peptide-Based Hydrogels for Chronic Wound Healing Applications: A Concise Review
Peptide-based hydrogels are promising for healing chronic wounds effectively.
research Evaluation of 3-Month Data for the Use of Erenumab for Chronic Migraine in Glasgow
Erenumab significantly reduced migraine days or severity in most patients after 3 months.

research Interest of Biotrinine, a Mix of Nasturtium Officinale and Tropaeolum Majus Extracts, for Chronic Hair Loss Treatment
Biotrinine® may be an effective treatment for chronic hair loss.
research The Status of Oral Drugs for Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
More research is needed to confirm the long-term effects of oral drugs for chronic central serous chorioretinopathy.

research Dermatologic Toxicities Associated with Chronic Gamma-Secretase Inhibitor Treatment for Desmoid Tumor
Most patients experienced mild to moderate skin problems during a trial for a desmoid tumor treatment.

research Adverse Cutaneous Reactions to the New Second-Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (Dasatinib, Nilotinib) in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Many patients on new leukemia drugs had mild to moderate skin reactions.

research The Contributory Roles of Th17 Lymphocyte and Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte at the Hair Bulge Region and Hair Bulb Area in Chronic Alopecia Areata Patients
Certain immune cells contribute to severe hair loss in chronic alopecia areata, with Th17 cells possibly having a bigger impact than cytotoxic T cells.

research Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease Occurring During Pegylated Interferon-α2b and Ribavirin Combination Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease can develop during interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis C.

research NUDT15 Polymorphism Explains Serious Toxicity to Azathioprine in Indian Patients With Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: A Case Series
The NUDT15 gene variant causes severe side effects from azathioprine in some Indian patients.

research Inhalation Therapy for Repairing Damaged Elastin Fibers and Decelerating Elastinolysis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Inhalation therapy may repair and protect elastin in the lungs of COPD patients.

research Anti-Androgenic Therapy with Finasteride in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure – A Retrospective Propensity Score Based Analysis
Finasteride helps reduce heart enlargement in heart failure patients.

research Photoprotective and Immunoregulatory Capacity of Ginsenoside Rg1 in Chronic Ultraviolet B-Irradiated BALB/c Mouse Skin
Ginsenoside Rg1 protects mouse skin from UVB damage and helps control inflammation.

research Saw Palmetto and Finasteride in the Treatment of Category-III Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Saw palmetto helps with nighttime urination and urine flow, similar to finasteride.

research Effect of Epipharyngeal Abrasive Therapy on Long COVID with Chronic Epipharyngitis
Epipharyngeal Abrasive Therapy helps reduce symptoms in Long COVID patients with chronic epipharyngitis.

research Safety and Efficacy of Microneedling with Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma in Chronic and Stable Alopecia Areata
Microneedling with PRP is a safe and effective way to treat chronic alopecia areata, improving hair regrowth with minimal side effects.