Terazosin or Baclofen in Young Men with Chronic Orchialgia: A Cohort Study of 499 Patients
February 2020
in “
Rivista Urologia

TLDR Both terazosin and baclofen effectively reduce pain in young men with chronic testicular pain, with no difference in their effectiveness.
In a cohort study involving 499 young men with chronic orchialgia, 255 were treated with terazosin and 244 with baclofen, alongside a daily hot-tub hip-bath, and some underwent varicocelectomy. The study observed a significant reduction in NIH-CPSI scores for both treatment groups, but no significant difference between the two drugs' effectiveness. Additionally, varicocelectomy did not provide further improvement. The study concluded that both medications are effective in reducing symptoms, but neither is superior, and varicocelectomy may not be necessary for those responding to medical management. Further research with a more diverse population, longer follow-up, and a placebo group is needed to establish a standard treatment.