Relapse in Alopecia Totalis After Successful Treatment with Intralesional Corticosteroid and Oral Immunomodulator

    June 2020 in “ Journal of skin and stem cell
    Lili Legiawati, Lidwina Anissa
    TLDR The patient's hair loss from alopecia totalis returned despite initial successful treatment.
    The document reported a case of a 19-year-old female with recurrent alopecia totalis who initially achieved complete remission with intralesional corticosteroids and oral immunomodulators but relapsed after four years. Upon re-treatment with a combination of triamcinolone injections, oral inosine pranobex, topical minoxidil, hydrocortisone butyrate scalp solution, and LED therapy, she achieved complete remission again after one year. The study highlighted the common and unpredictable nature of relapse in alopecia areata, emphasizing the importance of long-term follow-up and patient education. It also noted the difficulty in isolating the effects of individual treatments due to the multifaceted approach used.
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