Pilose Antler Extract Promotes Hair Growth in Androgenic Alopecia Mice by Promoting the Initial Anagen Phase

    May 2024 in “Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy
    Menghua Liu, Gaiying He, Fenglong Wang, Yanan Sun, Shanshan Ma, Hui Yu, Xun Hu
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    TLDR Pilose antler extract helps hair grow in mice with a type of hair loss by speeding up the growth phase.
    The study examined the impact of Pilose Antler Extract (PAE) on hair growth in mice with androgenic alopecia (AGA). The results showed that PAE significantly promoted hair growth by accelerating the transition from the telogen (resting) phase to the anagen (growth) phase. This was achieved by enhancing the proliferation of hair follicle stem cells and matrix cells. Additionally, PAE increased the expression of the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway, which is crucial for hair growth, and suppressed the BMP/Smad pathway. The study concluded that PAE could potentially be used to improve hair regeneration in AGA.
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