Investigational medications in the treatment of alopecia

    Georgann Anetakis Poulos, Paradi Mirmirani
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    TLDR New treatments for hair loss are being developed using molecular biology.
    This document from 18 years ago discusses investigational medications for the treatment of alopecia, including androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and chemotherapy-induced alopecia. The article explains the pathogenesis of hair growth and how androgens are the most important hormone known to regulate hair growth. Currently, there are only two treatments approved by the US FDA for the treatment of AGA: minoxidil topical solution and finasteride. The article concludes by stating that advances in molecular biology are paving the way for a very exciting era of new therapeutics for hair disorders. The document provides expert opinions on various targeted treatments for androgenetic and chemotherapy-induced alopecia, including Namindil, fluridil, PSK-3841, LGD-1331, antiandrogen ODNs, steroid sulfatase inhibitors, KF19418, and thymosin ß4.
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      research Disorders of Hair

        July 2013 in “DeckerMed Medicine”
      The document's conclusion cannot be provided because the document is not readable or understandable.
      Towards a molecular understanding of hair loss and its treatment

      research Towards a molecular understanding of hair loss and its treatment

      236 citations ,   July 2001 in “Trends in Molecular Medicine”
      Future hair loss treatments should aim to extend hair growth, reactivate resting follicles, reverse shrinkage, and possibly create new follicles, with gene therapy showing promise.