Co-loading of finasteride and baicalin in phospholipid vesicles tailored for the treatment of hair disorders

    August 2020 in “Nanoscale
    Silvia Mir-Palomo, Amparo Nácher, M A Ofelia Vila-Busó, Carla Caddeo, Maria Letizia Manca, Amparo Ruiz Saurí, Elvira Escribano-Ferrer, Maria Manconi, Octavio Díez-Sales
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    TLDR Finasteride and baicalin in phospholipid vesicles effectively promote hair growth and increase follicle count.
    The study explores the use of phospholipid vesicles co-loaded with finasteride and baicalin for the treatment of hair disorders. The co-loading of these drugs in glycerol-hyalurosomes was found to be the most effective formulation in promoting hair growth and increasing the number of follicles in treated mice. The study suggests that this approach could represent a promising tool for the local treatment of hair loss.
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