Listen to anyone besides your Mom while fighting hair-loss

    Satire 10/30/2020
    finasteride minoxidil RU58841 scalp massage whey protein bleaching DHT androgenic alopecia ketoconazole shampoo derminator 5AR inhibition spermatogenesis testosterone fertility hair transplant male pattern baldness diffuse thinning Norwood scale genetic component hair density topical finasteride generic minoxidil Rogaine Propecia AGA chronic treatment semen production cardiovascular system heart palpitations sexual side effects placebo controlled multi centre trial Overstreet et al J Urol Chronic treatment with finasteride hair regrowth hair loss hairline hair shedding hair follicles hair oil hair genes hair type hairline receding hair loss treatments hair loss interventions hair loss products hair loss methods hair loss concepts hair loss biology hair loss hormones hair loss skin hair loss active ingredients hair loss trade names hair loss common names hair loss technical terms hair loss colloquial terms hair loss brand names hair loss simplified terms hair loss obscure initialisms hair loss obscure acronyms hair loss amounts hair loss keywords hair loss relevance hair loss importance hair loss context hair loss title hair loss summary hair loss forum conversation hair loss instructions hair loss JSON object hair loss valid JSON object hair loss preamble hair loss markdown hair loss valid hair loss bare JSON object hair loss user hair loss extract hair loss important keywords hair loss text hair loss identify hair loss list hair loss specifically related hair loss names hair loss related biological terms hair loss extracted keywords hair loss array of strings hair loss JSON format hair loss relevant hair loss specific hair loss simpler form hair loss well known brand name hair loss colloquial term hair loss keyword hair loss itself hair loss people's names hair loss locations hair loss dates hair loss skip hair loss relate hair loss hair loss hair loss order hair loss schema hair loss extractedKeywords hair loss simplifiedCommonAndTradeAndColloqiualTerms hair loss example hair loss finasteride hair loss minoxidil hair loss DHT hair loss androgenic alopecia hair loss platelet-rich plasma hair loss botulinum toxin type A hair loss Propecia hair loss Rogaine hair loss Botox hair loss PRP ketoconazole
    Hair loss treatments, with people sharing their experiences of trying to get help from family members and how genetics can affect the severity of hair loss. Treatments mentioned include finasteride, minoxidil, RU58841, scalp massage, whey protein and bleaching.
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