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    480-510 / 1000+ results
      Wound Healing and Hair

      research Wound Healing and Hair

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Certain drugs can cause lupus, stopping these drugs is the main treatment. NB-UVB phototherapy clears psoriasis faster when applied three times a week. Monoclonal antibodies and oral pimecrolimus are effective in treating psoriasis. Smoking and drinking are linked to psoriasis in men. No direct link between low iron and hair loss was found. Vaccines are effective against genital herpes and human papillomavirus type 16.

      research Immunology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Blood pressure drugs can cause skin lupus, early treatment is key for baby herpes and diabetic foot ulcers, a certain vaccine works against genital herpes and HPV in women, more frequent light therapy helps psoriasis, smoking and drinking can worsen psoriasis, a cream clears up a type of skin cancer, and low iron levels don't cause chronic hair loss.

      research Pathology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Various skin conditions can be treated effectively with different methods, such as discontinuing certain drugs, using specific vaccines, applying creams, and changing lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking.
      Pediatric Dermatology

      research Pediatric Dermatology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Skin problems are common in Bangladesh due to arsenic, prompt treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is crucial, maternal transmission causes most neonatal herpes, treatments for pediatric vasculitis are effective, the chickenpox vaccine works, more frequent UVB therapy helps psoriasis, certain jobs increase hand dermatitis risk, monoclonal antibodies treat psoriasis well, lifestyle affects psoriasis, alefacept improves psoriasis, imiquimod cream partially clears basal cell carcinoma, and iron may not help chronic hair loss.
      Liposomes in Dermatology Today

      research Liposomes in Dermatology Today

      140 citations, April 2009 in “JEADV. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology/Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology”
      Liposomes improve drug delivery and reduce skin irritation in dermatology.
      Recent Advances in the Treatment of Psoriasis

      research Recent Advances in the Treatment of Psoriasis

      29 citations, March 1983 in “Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology”
      New treatments for psoriasis have improved effectiveness and may reduce long-term side effects when combined with standard therapies.
      Cosmetic Surgery in Men

      research Cosmetic Surgery in Men

      2 citations, July 2020 in “Trends in Urology and Men's Health”
      More men are getting cosmetic surgery, with Botox and hair removal being popular, but these procedures have risks.
      Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: A Literature Review

      research Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: A Literature Review

      1 citations, January 2010 in “Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology”
      The document concludes that effective acne treatment requires a personalized combination of therapies and long-term commitment, with retinoids being important for maintenance.
      Connective Tissue Disorders

      research Connective Tissue Disorders

      November 2014
      Different connective tissue disorders have unique symptoms and treatments, with varying outcomes and often require ongoing care from a specialist.
      Oxidative Stress in Aging of Hair

      research Oxidative Stress in Aging of Hair

      126 citations, January 2009 in “International Journal of Trichology”
      Oxidative stress contributes to hair graying and loss as we age.
      Cutaneous Reactions to Chemotherapeutic Agents

      research Cutaneous Reactions to Chemotherapeutic Agents

      53 citations, May 2001 in “˜The œAmerican journal of the medical sciences”
      Chemotherapy can cause various skin problems, and recognizing them helps improve patient care.
      Madarosis: A Marker of Many Maladies

      research Madarosis: A Marker of Many Maladies

      36 citations, January 2012 in “International Journal of Trichology”
      Losing eyelashes or eyebrows can be a sign of many different health problems and needs a careful approach to treat effectively.

      research Therapies

      August 2010 in “The Journal of Dermatology”
      The document concludes that low-dose acne treatment is most suitable for moderate acne, with high patient satisfaction and low relapse rates.

      research Reply

      August 1998 in “Dermatologic Surgery”
      Follicular unit hair transplantation is better than Miniflap Hair Restoration due to less scarring and more natural results.
      Tinea Capitis: An Overview with Emphasis on Management

      research Tinea Capitis: An Overview with Emphasis on Management

      89 citations, May 1999 in “Pediatric Dermatology”
      New antifungal treatments for a children's scalp infection are effective and safe, but it's not decided if they will become the preferred option over the old treatment.
      A Primer on Cosmetics for Dermatologists

      research A Primer on Cosmetics for Dermatologists

      34 citations, September 1992 in “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology”
      Dermatologists need to know about cosmetics to help patients with skin issues and recommend safe products.

      research Hirsuties

      9 citations, March 2001 in “Clinics in dermatology”
      Hirsutism in women is often due to hormone sensitivity and has significant psychological effects.
      Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions to Drugs

      research Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions to Drugs

      273 citations, October 2017 in “The Lancet”
      Some drugs can cause rare but potentially deadly skin reactions, and early treatment and avoiding the drug again are key.