The British Hair And Nail Society Present A Review Of Our National Grand Round Of Challenging Hair Disorders And The Benefits To The Wider British Association Of Dermatologists Membership

    Sonia Sharma, Alyson Bryden, Nicola A. Clayton, Paul Farrant, Megan Mowbray, Susan Holmes, Anastasia Therianou, Yusur Al‐Nuaimi, Nekma Meah, Leila Asfour, A. Takwale
    Image of study
    TLDR The grand round helps improve diagnoses and suggests new treatments for hair disorders.
    The British Hair and Nail Society's national grand round, initiated in 2018, reviews challenging hair disorder cases submitted by its 133 members. The review includes 26 cases (10 children, 16 adults) with a median age of 33 years, equally divided between scarring and nonscarring alopecia. The most common nonscarring condition was alopecia areata (6 cases), while folliculitis decalvans was the most frequent scarring diagnosis (6 cases). The grand round has altered diagnoses in 38% of cases and suggested novel treatments like naltrexone and photodynamic therapy. It supports clinicians with funding requests and trialing new therapies, highlighting its value to the British Association of Dermatologists.
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