Placenta Extract-Loaded Novasome Significantly Improved Hair Growth in a Rat In Vivo Model
May 2023
in “
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics

TLDR Placenta extract in novasomes improved rat hair growth better than minoxidil and placenta extract in liposomes.
The research aimed to improve the hair growth effects of bovine placenta extract (PE) by incorporating it into a novasome vesicle. The optimal PE-loaded novasome had a particle size of 155.0 nm, polydispersity index of 0.139, zeta potential of -63.73, and an entrapment efficiency of 79.60%. The novasome demonstrated ultra-deformable properties and maintained stability for 90 days at 4 °C. A rat study showed that the PE-loaded novasome was more effective in promoting hair growth than both PE-loaded liposome and a 2% minoxidil solution. The study concluded that novasome is a promising carrier for large molecules like PE, and PE-loaded in novasome showed superior hair growth effects than minoxidil and PE-loaded liposomes.