Noggin Is Required for Induction of the Hair Follicle Growth Phase in Postnatal Skin
October 2001
in “
The FASEB Journal

TLDR Noggin is necessary to start the hair growth phase in skin after birth.
The study from October 1, 2001, found that noggin, a BMP antagonist, is essential for the induction of the hair follicle growth phase in postnatal skin. The researchers observed that noggin mRNA levels increased and BMP4 mRNA levels decreased during the transition from the resting phase to the active growth phase of hair follicles. In vivo administration of noggin protein induced the hair growth phase, while BMP4 induced a selective arrest of this phase. The study also noted that noggin increased Shh mRNA in the hair follicle, indicating that Shh signaling might be involved in the hair growth-inducing effect of noggin. The experiments were conducted on groups of mice, with at least four mice per time point for the hair cycle study and seven mice for each group in the noggin administration experiment, suggesting that modulation of BMP4 signaling by noggin is crucial for hair growth phase induction in postnatal skin.