MicroRNA-214 controls skin and hair follicle development by modulating the activity of the Wnt pathway

    November 2014 in “Journal of Cell Biology
    Mohammed I. Ahmed, Majid Alam, Vladimir U. Emelianov, Krzysztof Poterlowicz, Ankit Patel, Andrey A. Sharov, Andrei N. Mardaryev, Natalia V. Botchkareva
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    TLDR MicroRNA-214 is important for skin and hair growth because it affects the Wnt pathway.
    The document from 2014 presents a study on the role of microRNA-214 (miR-214) in skin and hair follicle (HF) development, particularly how it modulates the activity of the Wnt signaling pathway. The study found that overexpression of miR-214 in keratinocytes led to inhibited cell proliferation, resulting in fewer and smaller HFs that produced thinner hair. This was due to miR-214 targeting ß-catenin, a key mediator in the Wnt pathway. The negative effects on HF development could be reversed by Wnt activators, indicating that miR-214 is a crucial regulator of this pathway. The study involved groups of 3 to 5 mice per genotype for various analyses and was supported by the Medical Research Council UK. It provides insights into the role of miR-214 in skin homeostasis, regeneration, and aging, and has implications for stem cell and cancer biology, regenerative medicine, and aging research.
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