Localization of Members of the Notch System and the Differentiation of Vibrissa Hair Follicles: Receptors, Ligands, and Fringe Modulators
January 2000
in “
Developmental dynamics
Notch1 Notch2 Delta1 Serrate1 Serrate2 Lunatic Fringe Manic Fringe Radical Fringe vibrissa hair follicles dermis epidermis outer root sheath hair matrix anagen phase trichocyte activities Notch receptors Delta ligands Serrate ligands Fringe regulators whisker hair follicles skin layer hair growth phase hair cells

TLDR Notch-related genes play a key role in the development and cycling of hair follicles.
The study investigated the expression of Notch-related genes during the morphogenesis of vibrissa hair follicles in embryonic mice and the first adult hair cycle. It was found that Notch1 and Notch2 receptors, along with ligands Delta1, Serrate1, and Serrate2, and Fringe regulators Lunatic, Manic, and Radical, were expressed in specific patterns at different stages of development. Initially, complementary patterns of Notch2, Delta1, and Lunatic Fringe were observed in the dermis, while Notch1, Serrate2, and Lunatic Fringe were seen in the epidermis. These patterns changed after stage 3, with Notch1, Serrate2, and Lunatic Fringe potentially determining two populations of epidermal cells. From stage 4, complementary expression patterns of Notch1, Manic, and Lunatic Fringe, as well as Serrate1 and Serrate2, were established in the outer root sheath and hair matrix, consistent with the adult anagen phase. Temporal and spatial changes in Notch1 and Manic Fringe expression during the hair cycle suggested their role as modulators of trichocyte activities.