Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Hair Research

    Patrick Yesudian
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    TLDR The conference discussed various hair disorders and treatments, including the use of topical steroids, high doses of cetrizine, and hair grafting, as well as the psychological impact of hair loss.
    The 7th World Congress of Hair Research, held in Edinburgh, featured presentations on various hair disorders and treatments. Amy McMichael discussed hair disorders in patients of color, highlighting the role of topical steroids in treating dissecting cellulitis of the scalp and the importance of traction in central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA). Mathew Harries presented on lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia, suggesting high doses of cetrizine as a potential treatment. Vera Price addressed female pattern hair loss (FPHL) and its occurrence across different life stages. Rodney Sinclair provided insights into the self-antigen of alopecia areata (AA) and its treatment with Abatecept. Angelo Christiano spoke on the genetics of AA, while Subbiah emphasized mitochondrial dysfunction in frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA). Hordinsky mentioned small-fiber neuropathy as a cause of scalp pain in LPP and FFA, treatable with topical gabapentin. Russell suggested hair grafting as a viable treatment for cicatricial alopecias. Adalimunab was noted as successful in treating recalcitrant dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, and hair follicle grafting showed promise for chronic leg ulcers. The conference also included discussions on the psychological aspects of hair disorders and the impact of stress on hair loss. Over 200 posters were presented, and the event concluded with awards and prizes.
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