Hair Follicle Bulb Developed as 3D Scaffold-Free Microtissue
April 2017
in “
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
3D scaffold-free microtissue proto-follicle dermal papilla cells outer root sheath keratinocytes hanging drop technology anagen phase catagen phase viability assays histological staining immunohistochemistry immunofluorescence qRT-PCR 3D microtissue dermal papilla outer root sheath hanging drop growth phase viability tests staining immunostaining fluorescence staining PCR

TLDR Scientists created a tiny, 3D model of a hair follicle that grows and acts like a real one.
The study detailed the creation of a 3D scaffold-free microtissue, termed "proto-follicle," by co-culturing dermal papilla cells with outer root sheath keratinocytes using hanging drop technology. This model was designed to replicate the structure and function of a natural hair follicle. The researchers employed various methods such as viability assays, histological staining, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and qRT-PCR to characterize the proto-follicle. Their findings revealed that the microtissue entered an anagen-like growth phase between 3 and 6 days and transitioned to a catagen-like phase from day 7 to 14. The cell types involved retained their specific characteristics and developed in a time-dependent manner, indicating that this model could be a valuable tool for investigating hair follicle biology and exploring new avenues for hair loss treatment.