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    90-120 / 196 results
      Endocrine and Reproductive Effects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

      research Endocrine and Reproductive Effects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

      18 citations, December 2014 in “Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America”
      Losing 5-10% body weight can improve PCOS symptoms, letrozole is better than clomiphene for fertility, and managing weight and blood sugar is important to reduce pregnancy complications.
      Primary Cicatricial Alopecias

      research Primary Cicatricial Alopecias

      18 citations, October 2012 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are key for managing rare scalp disorders that cause permanent hair loss.
      Advances in Hair Restoration

      research Advances in Hair Restoration

      17 citations, November 2017 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      New techniques improve hair restoration success.
      Reconstruction of the Scalp, Calvarium, and Frontal Sinus

      research Reconstruction of the Scalp, Calvarium, and Frontal Sinus

      17 citations, May 2013 in “Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America”
      The document concludes that careful surgical methods and choosing the right materials are key for successful scalp, skull, and frontal sinus reconstruction.
      Histopathology of Scarring and Nonscarring Hair Loss

      research Histopathology of Scarring and Nonscarring Hair Loss

      17 citations, September 2012 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      The conclusion is that accurate diagnosis of different types of hair loss requires careful examination of tissue samples and understanding of clinical symptoms.
      Dermatologic Problems of Older Women

      research Dermatologic Problems of Older Women

      17 citations, April 2006 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Older women face various skin issues like dryness and thinning, and treatments are available but can have side effects; proper skin care and legal health decisions are important.
      Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Restoration

      research Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Restoration

      16 citations, March 2020 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), a substance from a patient's own blood, can stimulate hair regrowth in people with Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) who haven't had success with other treatments, but more research is needed to optimize its use.
      A Systematic Approach to Afro-Textured Hair Disorders

      research A Systematic Approach to Afro-Textured Hair Disorders

      16 citations, April 2014 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Dermatoscopy helps diagnose hair and scalp disorders in people with Afro-textured hair, but more research is needed for better understanding and treatment.
      Aesthetic Strategies for the Aging Asian Face

      research Aesthetic Strategies for the Aging Asian Face

      16 citations, August 2007 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      The document suggests using fat grafting and laser therapy to improve the aging Asian face and hair restoration techniques tailored to Asian hair characteristics, emphasizing natural results and cultural sensitivity.
      Dermatologic Reactions to Targeted Therapy

      research Dermatologic Reactions to Targeted Therapy

      15 citations, February 2017 in “Nursing Clinics of North America”
      Targeted cancer therapies can cause skin side effects, which should be treated early to help patients' quality of life and treatment adherence.
      5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors and Combination Therapy

      research 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors and Combination Therapy

      15 citations, August 2016 in “Urologic Clinics of North America”
      Finasteride and dutasteride are effective for long-term treatment of enlarged prostates but have sexual side effects and a risk of high-grade prostate cancer.
      Surgical Treatment of the Brow and Upper Eyelid

      research Surgical Treatment of the Brow and Upper Eyelid

      14 citations, March 2015 in “Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America”
      Individualized assessment and meticulous planning are crucial for successful brow and upper eyelid surgery.
      Common Dermatologic Conditions

      research Common Dermatologic Conditions

      14 citations, April 2014 in “Medical Clinics of North America”
      The document concludes that quick referral and appropriate treatments are crucial for managing common skin conditions and preventing permanent damage.
      Complications in Hair Restoration

      research Complications in Hair Restoration

      14 citations, November 2013 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Hair transplant complications can be avoided with proper training and understanding.
      Nonsurgical Therapy for Hair Loss

      research Nonsurgical Therapy for Hair Loss

      14 citations, August 2013 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Some nonsurgical hair loss treatments are effective, especially if started early.
      Complications with Hair Transplantation

      research Complications with Hair Transplantation

      12 citations, May 2020 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Hair transplant complications are rare with good planning and technique, but risks include infection, bleeding, and patient dissatisfaction.
      Follicular Unit Excision: A Hair Transplant Technique

      research Follicular Unit Excision: A Hair Transplant Technique

      12 citations, May 2020 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) is a popular, safe hair transplant method that avoids scars and has a quick recovery, but requires precise surgical skill.
      The Endoscopic Brow Lift

      research The Endoscopic Brow Lift

      12 citations, July 2016 in “Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics”
      The document concludes that the endoscopic brow lift is a less invasive cosmetic surgery that requires careful technique and patient selection to achieve lasting, aesthetically pleasing results.
      Techniques for Rejuvenation of the Neck Platysma

      research Techniques for Rejuvenation of the Neck Platysma

      12 citations, April 2014 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Direct excision techniques can rejuvenate the neck but may not enhance the jawline and could cause neck-face disharmony if done incorrectly.
      Female Hair Restoration

      research Female Hair Restoration

      12 citations, August 2013 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for female pattern hair loss and can greatly improve quality of life with careful planning.