What does androgenetic alopecia have to do with COVID‐19? An insight into a potential new therapy

    July 2020 in “Dermatologic Therapy
    Andy Goren, John D. McCoy, Carlos Gustavo Wambier, Sergio Vano-Galvan, Jerry Shapiro, Rachita Dhurat, Kenneth Washenik, Torello Lotti
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    TLDR Androgenetic alopecia linked to COVID-19 severity; drugs reducing androgen receptor activation may help.
    This article proposes a potential link between androgenetic alopecia and COVID-19 severity. The authors suggest that studying the epidemiology of COVID-19 patients with predispositions to either lower or higher androgen receptor expression could provide insight into the role of AR in the severity of COVID-19 infection. The activation of AR can be reduced by several classes of drugs, including androgen receptor antagonists, androgen synthesis inhibitors, and antigonadotropins, which could be studied as potential therapies for COVID-19.
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