Vitiligo as a Reaction to Topical Treatment with Diphencyprone

    January 1988 in “ Dermatology
    J. Hatzis, K Gourgiotou, Androniki Tosca, A. Varelzidis, J. Stratigos
    TLDR Diphencyprone treatment for alopecia areata can cause vitiligo in some patients.
    During the topical treatment of 45 patients with extensive alopecia areata using diphencyprone, 3 patients (6.7%) developed vitiligo, appearing 3-5 months after treatment began. The affected individuals included two females and one male, aged 53, 19, and 28 years, respectively, with no prior personal or family history of vitiligo. Vitiligo was localized to the application areas in the younger woman and the man, while it spread to multiple areas in the older woman. Post-treatment, significant spontaneous improvement was observed only in the man. Mitochondrial autoantibodies were detected in the older woman. This was the first reported instance of vitiligo induced by diphencyprone.
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