Transcriptome Analysis of Skin from SMP30/GNL Knockout Mice Reveals the Effect of Ascorbic Acid Deficiency on Skin and Hair

    June 2017 in “in Vivo
    Koji Wakame, Kenichi Komatsu, Akifumi Nakata, Keisuke Sato, Akira Takaguri, Hirofumi Masutomi, Takayuki Nagashima, Hiroo Uchiyama
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    TLDR Vitamin C deficiency changes gene expression, affecting skin and hair health.
    In 2017, a study was conducted using SMP30/GNL knockout mice to examine the effects of Vitamin C deficiency on skin and hair growth. The mice were divided into two groups: one group was administered Vitamin C (VC(+)) and the other was not (VC(-)). Skin samples were collected at 4 and 8 weeks for RNA sequencing, revealing 1,736 differentially expressed genes between the two groups. The VC(+) group showed increased cell death and cytotoxicity, but also significantly promoted hair growth, as confirmed by histological examination. The study concluded that Vitamin C deficiency affects the expression of genes involved in cell growth and the hair cycle, suggesting that Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin and hair.
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