Telogen Effluvium: A Study on Hair Loss and Its Causes
October 2005
in “
CRC Press eBooks
Telogen effluvium telogen hair anagen systemic diseases drugs stress weight loss UV exposure iron deficiency cigarette smoking inflammatory scalp disorders vascular supply free radical production cytokine release toxic effects postpartum contraceptive pill topical minoxidil TE hair loss hair cycle hair matrix cells free radicals cytokines birth control pill Rogaine
TLDR Telogen effluvium is a condition where hair falls out due to various factors like illness, stress, or nutrient deficiency.
The document from 18 years ago discussed Telogen effluvium (TE), a condition characterized by diffuse loss of telogen hair. It noted that most cases of TE are likely subclinical and there was a lack of epidemiological data on the condition. The document identified five types of TE based on hair cycle abnormalities, with the most common type being premature termination of anagen. This type is caused by factors that interrupt the mitotic activity of hair matrix cells and induce telogen entry, including systemic diseases, drugs, stress, weight loss, UV exposure, iron deficiency, cigarette smoking, and inflammatory scalp disorders. The mechanisms behind these factors causing hair loss were not always clear, but they were thought to involve decreased vascular supply, increased free radical production, cytokine release, and toxic effects. Another type of TE was due to synchronization of the hair cycle due to excessive prolongation of anagen, typically occurring postpartum, after interruption of the contraceptive pill, and after discontinuation of topical minoxidil.