Targeted Elimination of Follicular Label-Retaining Cells by Photo-Induced Cell Killing Caused a Defect in Follicular Renewal in Mice
September 2002
in “
Genes to Cells

TLDR Killing specific cells in hair follicles can lead to hair growth problems in mice.
The study conducted on newborn BALB/c mice demonstrated that label-retaining cells (LRCs) in the hair follicle bulge region are essential for follicular renewal. By selectively eliminating these cells using a photo-induced cell killing method, researchers observed a defect in hair follicle regeneration in 8 out of 41 cases during the anagen phase. The results indicated that LRCs are important for the supply of germinative cells necessary for hair growth, supporting the idea that LRCs are follicular stem cells. The study's findings also suggest that the late telogen phase is a sensitive period for LRCs in terms of irradiation damage.