SnapshotDx Quiz: April 2022

    Brandon Burroway, Deborah A. Lin, Mariya Miteva
    The "SnapshotDx Quiz: April 2022" from the Journal of Investigative Dermatology focuses on diagnosing Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) and highlights that DLE manifests as erythematous plaques on the scalp, which can evolve into alopecic patches. Key findings include the role of IFN-1s in driving inflammation in all cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) types, the presence of senescent cells marked by p16 and p21 in CLE lesions, and the upregulation of the Jak/STAT pathway in CLE. The quiz also notes that serologic abnormalities are uncommon in DLE, antimalarial drugs are effective in treating CLE, and the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in DLE lesions is low (2-3%). The document suggests a link between inflammation and cellular senescence, with higher levels of p16+ and p21+ cells in more inflamed and chronic conditions.
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