Skin Manifestations of Hypothyroidism: A Clinical Study
January 2013
in “
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences

TLDR Most people with hypothyroidism have skin problems like dry skin and hair loss.
In the clinical study conducted on 100 patients with hypothyroidism, 63% exhibited skin manifestations. The most common skin changes observed were xerosis (acquired ichthyosis) and diffuse hair loss (telogen effluvium), affecting 38.09% and 34.8% of patients, respectively. Other frequent skin conditions included melasma (14.28%), chronic urticaria (14.28%), and generalized pruritus (11.1%). Less common associated disorders were alopecia areata (6.34%), vitiligo (4.76%), lichen planus (3.17%), and xanthelasma palpebrarum (1.58%). The study concluded that recognizing these skin manifestations can aid in the early detection of an underlying hypothyroid condition.