Nano-Pulse Stimulation Therapy Is Superior to Cryoablation in Clearing Murine Melanoma Tumors

    February 2023 in “ Frontiers in Oncology
    Amanda McDaniel, Bruce Freimark, Cebrina Navarro, Kristin Von Rothstein, Dacia Gonzalez, Keith E. Linder, Richard Nuccitelli
    TLDR Nano-Pulse Stimulation™ Therapy is more effective and less damaging than cryoablation for treating melanoma tumors in mice.
    Nano-Pulse Stimulation™ Therapy (NPS™) has been shown to be more effective than cryoablation in treating murine melanoma tumors. In a study where melanoma tumors were induced in mice, NPS permanently eliminated up to 91% of tumor lesions with a single treatment, compared to 66% with cryoablation. Additionally, NPS caused minimal skin damage, with no recurrence of tumors, minimal dermal fibrosis, underlying muscle atrophy, or permanent hair follicle loss. These results suggest that NPS is a promising and less damaging treatment for aggressive malignant tumors.
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